Ethiopian Community of Michigan

የኢትዮጵያ ማህበር በሚቺጋን

Fasiledes | ፋሲለደስ

Historical Building


Blue Nile Falls | አባይ

The Blue Nile Falls is a waterfall on the Blue Nile river in West Gojjam, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. It is known as Tis Abay in Amharic, meaning ‘great smoke’. It is situated on the upper course of the river, about 30 kilometres downstream from the town of Bahir Dar and Lake Tana.

The most beautiful place you need to visit

Ethiopia, in the Horn of Africa t’s a place of ancient culture. Among its important sites are Lalibela with its rock-cut Christian churches from the 12th–13th centuries


Lalibela | ላሊበላ

Historical Church Lalibela

12th–13th centuries

Coffee Birth Place | የቡና መገኛ 

Over the ages, there have been numerous legends about the origin and discovery of coffee. However, it is known that the wild coffee plant is an originating plant of Ethiopia, where it was discovered.


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